Posts from the ‘Words from the Heart’ Category

Places to be Explored…

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Raireshwar is situated in Bhor Taluka near Pune, India. Raireshwar has a temple famous for its historical importance. The temple is very old and of stone structure, but it was later re-constructed in 18th century. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj took the oath of Hindavi Swarajya in this temple at the age of 16 in 1645 and then created history. Its said that he had cut his little finger and taken the oath by dripping blood onto the Shivling. There is a large portrait of Shivaji Maharaj and his friends inside the temple. Thus, Raireshwar can be considered as an important place in Maratha history. It is situated in between various hills and forts such as Kenjalgad. The temple is on a plateau, which is full of beautiful flowers during monsoon. Best season to visit this place is Monsoon.

The way is a bit steep. Vehicles can be parked at the village down and people can walk towards Raireshwar. Nature is seen at its best at Raireshwar during monsoons. Kenjalgadh can be seen from Raireshwar at a distance. The places worth visiting on Raireshwar are Raireshwar Mandir, Gomukh Lake, Nakhinda (also known as Aswal Lake),Pandavleni.

It is very beautiful place to visit during June to February. Distance from Pune is 82 km. Pune – Bhor 56 km. Bhor – Korle 20 km. Korle – Raireshwar 6 km. many people come her for camping too and the villagers can help in accommodation and food on the plateau. You get lovely Mahrashtrian Bhakri along with Pithla and Tak (Buttermilk).

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most probably it will be the below link

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Seeking a Rich husband…

‎”A Reply From CEO of J.P. Morgan To A Pretty Girl Seeking A Rich Husband”.. !

A young ‘n pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:

… —————————————————-
Title: What Should I do to Marry A Rich Guy?

I’m going to be honest of what I’m going to say here. I’m 25 this year. I’m very pretty, have style ‘n good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above.

You might say that I’m greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York.

My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married?

I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you?

Among those I’ve dated, the richest is $250k annual income,’n it seems that this is my upper limit.

If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden(?), $250k annual income is not enough.

I’m here humbly to ask a few questions:
1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names ‘n addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)
2) Which age group should I target?
3) Why most wives of the riches are only average-looking? I’ve met a few girls who don’t have looks ‘n are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys.
4) How do you decide who can be your wife, ‘n who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)

Ms. Pretty

A Philosophical reply from CEO of J.P. Morgan:

Dear Ms. Pretty,
I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor.

My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope
everyone believes that I’m not wasting time here.

From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.

Put the details aside, what you’re trying to do is an exchange of “beauty” ‘n “money” : Person A provides beauty,’n Person B pays for it, fair ‘n square.

However, there’s a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can’t be prettier year after year.

Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, ‘n you are a depreciation asset. It’s not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worse 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a “trading position”.
If the trade value dropped we will sell it ‘n it is not a good idea to keep it for long term – same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or “leased”.

Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. ‘n by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income.This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps. If you are interested in “leasing” services, do contact me.

J.P. Morgan CEO…

Fighter or looser? Where do you put yourself? Part 1

How are you Different from others?
Ever since I can remember, there has always been a thought inside me. A very strong and un-answered thought. It has been like a splinter stuck somewhere which is not accessible by any means. I have tried and am still trying to answer the question but finding the answer (that will bury the question for ever), seems like the distant horizon. The faster I move, he faster It fades away. The more I try to answer it, the further it seems to go. Before putting the “un answered question”, I would like to brief about what I have been going through and why the question is still there in my head.

I was born and bought up in a middle class family. a supportive dad, open minded yet a very religious mom, a naughty bro, and a group of monkeys also known my friends. I believe it all began when I was 13 years old. One fine day, I had a fight with my classmate and I had a bad cut on my forehead. Like the kids of my age, I came home crying and my mom nursed the wounds and put a bandage over the head. But when my dad returned from office in the evening, I began my usual drama of crying and gaining his sympathy. To my shock, the moment I cried, my dad gave me a tight slap and said nothing. I cried louder and he gave one more. But this time, he took my hand, seated me on his lap and told me the line that still rings clear in my mind. It was “are you crying because I hit you or are you crying because you can’t hit me back?” I did not understand the sentence at that time, but later realized that I was not crying because he hit me it was because of the second part of the sentence. And that day I vowed “either not to cry or not to get in a situation which I can’t get out”. But as time progessed, I realised how difficult it is to follow the above rule.
Before I could answer that question, I realized that every other fcuker would have faced these questions. They must have dealt with them satisfactorily enough. So how am I different from every tom dick and harry? I make the same folly as any other pumpkin with hands and feet grown! I do the very same stuff that everyone else does. I pee standing up, and pass the shit as often as anyone of my age. I have made similar blunders like everyone else. I hate anyone criticizing me. I don’t learn from my mistakes unless anyone points it out. Just because, I ride a bike, I am not different. Just because, I exist as a separate identity, I am not different because I am still dependent on others for my comforts like the sweeper, the watchman, the lawmakers and the keepers, the society, my office, my teachers, my boss, my colleagues and my friends. So what makes me different? how am I different? Where am I different? Just because I can write a blog does not mean I am different because there are many more who do this.

Don’t look for an answer here because even I don’t know it. To top off this confusion, consider this:-

I had always believed that I was unique. Until I saw another engineer with a degree in mechanical.
I always believed that I could think better than anyone else. Until I saw others getting better grades, salary, girlfriends and what not
I always thought that I was very practical and logical in my thoughts until I ditched a bike that suited my requirements perfectly and went in for a bike which simply looked better.
I always believed that 1+1 is always 2 until one day I got frustrated and said to a customer AAPKO KITNA CHAHIYE? And then i realized that even the universal; truths are not permanent. It is all dependent on whom you are talking to. An educated fool will say 2, a kid will say 11.
The other day, I was surprised, that my girlfriend knew exactly what I will like to eat for dinner! And she even ordered my food even before I came to the table.
My boss knows exactly when to look at the door and when i will leave from office. He can pin point what mistake I made just by looking at my face.
I mean, if any one can be predicted, there is a sure possibility that the person is not unique because predictions are based on prior similar experiences and if I am like someone else, (I hate typing the phrase again) how am I different? Hell man if I am so predictable, how can I be different? And if I am not different, where do I get the answers to my questions? Now this is getting on my nerves and just like everyone, I am also blabbering here rather than finding a solution.

Now after building up so much hype and after boring you people with such mindless rant, let me tell you how I am actually different.

I have completed my hsc. I know that everyone does but I got 85 aggregate after getting screwed royally in the prelims. Not something that everyone does.
I did some stupid shit because of which I was certified the most creative shit of 2002; I did an automatic car park system using the basic of resources. Can anyone beat this?
I completed my ssc. Even this does not qualify for the “not different” but it actually is because I got a disgusting 45 percentile aggregate but still managed to get a decent college with mechanical branch.
I did my engineering like everyone else and I had the thought always pinned in my mind as to what am I doing? Why am I doing this? What am I gonna gain?
I believed that males who had swollen chests and frocks were simply called as females.
I thought that Mr. Honda had hired fools for designing bikes, I tried bettering mine and I learnt a lot from it… that not to put your finger in grease and if you do, don’t rub your eyes with it.
The best way in which you can take revenge with your land lord after he scratches your bike is to put fevi-quick in all keyholes in his car and grin when he gets frustrated after his key snaps in two when he inserts the key into the keyhole and desperately tries to open the door.
I can keep on typing shit on some online space for no reason and keep consuming time of people who will otherwise be doing something that they are not interested in and hence not good at.
The ninth and the most important point is that, I am different than the regular breed because I wanna improve myself in whatever I am doing,. In every folly, I learn one more way of not doing a thing. I believe that we are all made for a purpose. It’s just that I don’t know what’s mine!
I guess the last point pretty much nails the topic. In a nutshell, I know I am different because I believe so and not because someone taught me. To be different, you don’t need to sit under another apple tree expecting an apple to fall on your head and then expect to discover something that the world is waiting for. You just need to love yourself for what you are. Just do what you love to do and most importantly, love what you do.

Now in case, you are wondering that how this is related to winning or losing, let me point it out. The first step in winning against your opponent is to identify the weakness of your opponent. And That’s precisely what I am doing. why did I put the stupid story in this lecture? the reason was that you need to understand that faithfully following the set rules is not everything, rules can be bent to suit you as and when needed. We are not programmed robots. We can be very irrational at times and this is just one of the things that make you not a pre programmed robot but a human.That’s what makes me different from others. And I am proud that I am different.

Ps: if you are trying to answer the first question, keep watching this blog because soon I am gonna find it out.

Are you qualified to advise people?

Yup.. If are you thinking that I have gone mad, then maybe you are the one that I will be spewing my venom against, and you still have the option of saying  fcuk off you hole in the ass.

I mean, seriously, can you really advise people? Its not that you need another degree that many people are thinking of  pursuing (or rather following someones advise ). Neither is it about what you need to know. Its just that do have the brains (thats the squishy thing inside your skull for morons) to actually give out advises?

Mind you because taking and giving advise is what everyone does . And I mean it. Ever since the day you started to communicate, you have been listening to the rants of getting up early, brushing your teeth, having a light breakfast / lunch / dinner / whatever in between, and going to sleep on time. Now, as if that was not sufficient, you were also advised (rather enforced upon) to not piss in your own pants. Actually in this case, even when you could not communicate, this was a big embarrassment when you knowingly pissed and then people would start playing the game of pass it on until you reached your mother and then she would say it playfully that “LITTLE ANGEL, YOU SHOULD NOT DO THAT” so you see how deeply we are surrounded with advises.

Then you grew up, went to school and you started your tradition of advises. Telling your mates what your mom says about studies / sleeping / pissing and all. Now as if this was not enough, you even took advises like whom to avoid, whom to befriend , what colour of underwear is the most cool… blah blah blah…

Then finally the day you graduated, then took advises on which firm to join, whats the normally expected salary, when is the next increment, which car / bike to buy etc etc..

The hopeless list just goes on.. and on..and on.. and on..

Now in this whole process, you took / gave advises to almost every category of person that I can ever imagine. Like your friend, bro, mother, father, sis, gardener, driver etc etc.. even the toilet cleaner was not spared ( I kinda have a liking for toilets you know… but its a different topic altogether).

Now my point is have you ever considered their advises with full faith? And who is to blame when the advise goes wrong? Mind you this is a very serious question.

You blew up things with any random girl just to prove to your friends that you are in demand? And your gf caught you just when you were gonna blow it up?

You joined engineering just cos the distant friend of your neighbour’s distant cousin’s son had managed to get a salary of 2.88 after the unsaid struggle of 7 years?? and you still are jobless?

There might have cropped a lot of examples in your mind when you took a decision just because the president of america said that he had to go to potty every 3 hrs 25 mins and 45 secs when he uses the pen made of recycled toilet paper! and you are thinking that “wish this fcuker does not pull this up here. its so much of an embarrassment here”

Now who is to blame? You? who thought their advise was worthy at all. Or was it you? who never thought about the consequences and never applied your brain (thats the size of a micoscopic bacteria)? Did you ever think of who would be the best candidate to ask for advises?

If the answer to any of the above questions is NO, maybe you need to get your brains swollen so that they can be detected by an electron microscope. Dont worry one of them will be able to detect your brain and say that weather it’s actually yours or a bacteria donated it to you. They have become extremely powerful these days and can easily detect even the smallest of all virusses !

So now getting back to the point before I run out of the space here, the point that I am trying to put forward is not that you need a zillion core pentium core zillion duo procesor with a storage space of a similar zeta-bytes. Its plain common sense that think before you act and same applies to thinking before you ask for advises.

You asked for the advise and worse still, you chose to follow it and when it goes wrong, you put the blame on someone who you know cant say anything.

By qualified to advise I mean that do you have the ability to guage a person’s requirements as opposed to what you want out of that discussion? Even a shopkeeper is qualified to advise, but he wont suggest a low profit product over a high profit one even if he needs to misguide you..

its something like this.

Man:- I need a good shampoo for dandruff

shopkeeper :- sir I have the headless and shoulderless. Very good shampoo saar. You will like it saar.

Man:- how much?

Shopkeeper:- dont worry saar, its worth the money. I will get it packed.

Man:- wait show me that “clinical all cleared”.

Shopkeeper:- saar that’s old stock. All rejected pieces saar. This H&S is very good.

Man:- ok.

Pays the money and leaves

Now after reaching the magnificent hotel (yes a hotel), he realises he could have bought an sachet instead of the 150 bucks bottle since was to stay only for 2 days. Later when he calls up home, realises the clinical one was better. Now feeling like a donkey, curses his luck and gets to the bath. Then he realises that the hotel provides a sachet of shampoo by default. Now who is at fault?

the man cos he was not insistent on asking the price and quality to someone else?

Or was it the shopkeeper who did sell him the wrong shampoo and that too a bottle when he could see that he was a tourist?

Or was it the booking agent who did not care to inform him as to what the hotel will be like?

Or was it him who never inquired about the hotel or asked his wife cos she gets the shampoo at home?

So if you get the point, everyone gives an advise from their perspective of the problem, not yours. It’s your duty to realise this and check the ability of the person to advise.

Another similar story is like this.

A man was going to an important place and was going to pick up his wife and a friend to come along. Midway, the sole of his shoe came off. Desperate to get it repaired, he asked a cobbler if the shoe could be repaired or should he buy a new one. The cobbler promptly replied that the shoe could be repaired happy about this, the man got it repaired and picked up his wife.

As soon as she noticed his shoes, she said “since they are going to an important place, he should get a good new one”. So the man decided for a bata shoe store nearby, and got a new one. Soon the wife commented, “this shoe looks worse than the size of your dcik (you know what I mean)”. So the man now went to a woodland showroom with his wife and got a set of sparkling new awesome shoes. Happy with his new buy and that they would definitely impress anyone on the face of this earth, he then picked up his friend who took them to the place which was very important to visit. Any guesses where he took them??

It was a temple. Soon the man realised that his pet dog was puking after eating his brain which the man wasnt using and somewhere the brain fell off (which was completely rotten anyway).

So the moral here is same as all of the story above. Does the person who you have dared to ask for, knows what are your requirements?

Mind you everyone advises cos its free. Ask the person for his liability and watch him run faster than a leopard, even if the ass of the leopard is on fire.

So the next time you ask for advise, pause, and think if you really need the advice from the person.

Why are you here?

Now that you have stumbled upon this link,  you are either one of the types who know me or one of those who dont! Now, knowing me has not  been declared a crime. Atleast not yet. so you can still safely read further if you want. eitherways you have spent a couple of your download limit kBs on this page so its well worth the read.

          The reason Why I am here is not because I have a zeal to help suckheads in their matters nor is it because I consider myself  a person with excellent writing skills, neither is it because i love to flaunt my vocabulary (read as sick vocabulary), or to announce the birth of another rising star or anything even remotely related to any thing logical. I am here to just vent out my frustration (and the warm gases, almost in literal sense) that I cant put it else where. Not that I am the sort of the remote sitting frustrated bickering guy, but its just that something gnaws from inside that “WAKE UP DUDE” what are you up to now?

                  Now most of the ppl who know me will start reading between the lines. Just go forth you suckheads in doing that cos if you do think that this is not worth reading then it really aint worth the effort on your part.  Actually if you just close this window now then you wont miss much here. for a favour, you can actually register your protest against me on . I will actually earn a fortune out of this and then you wont have to read the mindless rants / bickering here.

                  For others (who still are intrested in knowing what the fcuk is written here and how they can use it), I will narrate you a small story.

                 When I was in first year engineering pursuing the mechanical stream (Yup i am a mechanical student and you can stop laughing if you know how i have cleared that), I was fortunate to have a BASICS OF MECH ENGINERING  teacher who was trying to explain HOW EVEN THE MOST COMPLEX OF MACHINES WORK ON SIMPLE LOGIC.  Its not that she did not know what she was teaching,  but its actually that she did not have an idea as to how low she will have to go before anything enters my head / brainless space on the top of the my torso.

so the conversation was like:-

she:- deepak, (me stood up) can you please explain the basic structure of AN RCC FRAME also known as top beam in buildings for idiots ?

me:- no, madam

she:- what do you mean by no?

me:- madam, I did not read the lesson last night so i dont remember the exact construction (surrounding people were giggling like the hideous monsters under the beds)

she was obviously annoyed, but still since she was a very good teacher, politely asked

she :- does that mean that you do not know anything about your field?

me:- (trying to prove that i am not a hopeless Idiot) Its made up of 70% mud and rocks (i meant gravel but sounded otherwise) and rest is just steel rods. It is cast by workers under the scorching sun so that when the cement dries, it becomes as hard and strong as clay and so that they can put a roof on top of it and then escape from the sun.

the lecture hall was filled with peels of laughter.

she (now very annoyed):- shut up you idiot, can you explain why are there more steel rods at the bottom and fewer at the top of the beam?

me:- (triumphantantly) yes madam, that is because when the beam is wet, the steel rods settkle down on thelower side so when it hardens, they remain there.

This time, the lecture had become the sort of a laughter challenge series with me as the clown.

she:- was that a joke?

me:- no madam but thats all that i understood in the lecture.

she then explained in detail as to what it is and all my zillion questions.

                Now, The reason why i chose to reply rather than give up was because of my upbringing which taught me NEVER BACK DOWN & If you do not know, express it clearly. which is precisely Why I am here.

                 now if you have stopped laughing at that stupidity of mine, I will explain what i am saying. the very reason of losing a battle is giving up the hope to win. the human nature is such that the mind starts acting what you decide from the heart. now the first thought that flashed in yur mind was how do we decide from the heart? actually we do and we do it unknowingly. If you are walking / strolling, you wont look for an auto unless the thought crosses your mind that you are tired. you may be able to still walk for miles but now you start feeling tired and legs weaken. that what the mind does. it just reacts to what you have decided.

generally you can work till 10 in night but many times you just dont cos you are not in the mood or because you know that its not even a bit urgent and a sword wont dangle loosely above your head if you do it the next day. and then you just start feeling tired and simply pass time till the bell rings (which is what i am waiting for now).

             your brain is your best friend and enemy and as rightly pointed out in the movie 3 idiots, just say ALL IS WELL. it actually ignites the mind to a figting spirit. and that all that we really need the fighting spirit.

             If you are still not getting it, i will drop a bombshell here that neither do i know why am i here! c mon man i am serious, I wrote the above thingy just because I believed I could write it, and now that the siren is shouting out loud that “SUCKERS WHO ARE NOT INTRESTED TO WORK CAN LEAVE”

Ps:- that is precisely the reason why i am also signing out here…

All Is Well

PS:- If you were really finding finding the reason why you are living?  or why do you work when you hate to do that or it could be even related to your wife beating the hell out of you for changing the channel for her daily Idiot box soap doses. whatever it is now, the problem exists only if you give up.

Remember- only dead stuff rots not the living one